Kaly covered a lot of what happened last night in her blog. These are just some of my own thoughts about the state of things.
1) I feel that I need to speak with Garris about Oingaboinga. Kaly and I both were uncomfortable around him, and I for one don't want to do any raids with him. I suspect Kaly feels the same way. However that puts us into a delima.
2) Without the "alliance" that we've formed with Garris, we don't really know enough people to try and throw together any pug raids of our own.
3) We really don't want to leave our guild, Faded Delusions, to join any of the other raiding guilds.
4) Eto is stuck-ish gear wise currently. If he could raid, he'd have the opportunity to get better gear. But really, I'm just holding out until the next patch hits so I can go full t9 with some t10. Just not excited about the gear. Pretty comfortable with where he is with the content. Nothing is beyond his healing. Hell, I've kept Kaly up for a lot longer than we should have while we were learning the first ToC10 fight. And I was eventually told to wipe the raid because we were the only ones left alive. :p
5) Back to the alts, or so it seems. Tried the druids the other night, we became bored. Tried my warrior today, but warriors are so darn squishy. Need to give him another go, because I really want an 80 warrior. And an 80 druid, 80 lock, etc. :p
Why do I always write lists? Sheesh, I get bored reading them, let alone writing them. No wonder I don't have any readers. But since I use this mostly as a repository for my own jumbled thoughts, it still serves it's purpose.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
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