Etolani, protector of tanky Dks, collector of the ore, mixer of strange chemicals scored his first 80 epic last night.
Actually he helped "earn" his Ancient Pickled Egg with an odd guild group: 80 prot warrior, 80 ret paladin, 80 holy priest, 75 frost dk, and himself (75 resto shaman). But he downed ole' Coren Direbrew four times last night, and the word is he's going back again tonight. People want their kodos. Eto just wants the AP trinket for his eventual off-spec.
Traveling around the various flight paths, seeking out the elusive Kalu'ak quartermaster. Hoping to upgrade the cruddy green quest chest for a spiffy blue with more stam, int and spellpower.
Still trying to get a feel for what stats he needs as a resto shaman. Not really sure how much haste is needed, if it's even neccessary while leveling. He's stacking int and spellpower with a smattering of MP5 currently. So long as he doesn't run out of mana, most fights are easy enough. Though that'll probably change once he hits 80 and has access to more gear choices.
All in all, playing a resto shaman is a very nice break from constant dps, which was used as a break from constant tanking. Just wish all of my toons were on the same server and same faction. Then Eto wouldn't be so broke. Somehow he needs to collect 4000+ gold in the span of a level to pick up both cold weather flying and epic flying. Will probably have to do just the cold weather flying, then grind out gold with dailies and what not before his get my epic flying.
Anyway, off to find that vendor, then to switch over to my hunter, Kuta, to farm more leather and herbs.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
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