Project One:
Level the shaman to 80 and get gear.
Eto is 76 currently, that's not many levels to go. Once he hits 77, with the purchase of cold-weather flying, and access to the Argent Tournament and Sons of Hodir rep grinds, getting the levels should go faster. Not to mention how quickly we've leveled in Storm Peaks before. So it's just a matter of hitting 77, then onto the home stretch.
Project Two:
Level professions across multiple toons.
The grind, my poor poor bleading eyes. I need to level: alchemy, leatherworking, herbalism, skinning, and I'm thinking about picking up inscription on my druid.
Etolani - Miner/Alchemist
Kuta - Skinner/Herbalist
Lokeire - Herbalist/Leatherworker
Eyeburner - Miner/Enchanter
So with some fiddling around, I think I can power level a scribe. Just more farming. *sighs* But hopefully that'll lead to an additional source of income.
Project Three:
Earn/Make gold, lots of gold.
Argent Tournament and Sons of Hodir rep grind dailies for gold should help a lot toward earning gold. Once the professions are leveled more, I should be able to sell leather, ore, etc. Need to check the ah's price for various inscription items.
If/when Kuta gets flying and hits 77, that's another source of dailies for added gold. Repeat for the other toons.
Mmmm gold, the facilitator of shineys and toon leveling.
Project Four:
Spend said gold on epic flying and cold-weather flying for multiple toons.
Did you see the toon list? Yeah, they all need flying, epic flying, and cold-weather flying to some degree or another.
Eto - cold-weather flying, epic flying
Kuta - cold-weather flying, epic flying
Loke - cold-weather flying, epic flying
Eye - flying, cold-weather flying, epic flying
That is a LOT of gold. *sighs* Why didn't I do my 70 dailies on any of these toons before Wrath came out?
Project Five:
Figure out what rep grinds the toons need, focusing on Eto first.
I've been slacking, haven't been paying attention to what faction rep I should be grinding versus the easily obtained superior emblem gear. Give me an hour or so, and I'll have the list down, with the order that I'll snag the shinies so I can start healing in raids on Eto. :p
I geek I will aways be.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
Yes, a geek you will always be. But we are both to some degree. I've been secretly trying to figure out what my toon (sadly only one..where is Kaly when I need her!)can do to make some gold too. Though dailies, selling enchants and gems, may be my only options. And the worst part...I can't farm the ore or the weeds that I used to make money on my lock. *sigh* Want to be able to roll another DK just to level a gathering profession...dang blizzard and your only one DK per server rule!
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