That really should say it all. I love max professions, I just hate leveling them.
Working on Cooking (Eto), Alchemy (Eto), and Leatherworking (Loke). Not to mention trying to funnel as much ore and greens for Jewelcrafting and Enchanting for Kalyara.
So I'm scrambling around, having my 73 hunter kill and skin as many things as possible in Sholazar Basin, xp ftw! Eto and Kaly made it over to the basin last night as well. Which lead me to calling out "Ore!" then agroing everything as I beeline to the saronite. Damn other farmers with their flying mounts.
Everyone says this, but Blizzard really needs to make big cooking bags. Tired of forfitting bag space to chilled meat.
Actually bag space in general is just bad. Having to store meat/fish, herbs, ore, leather. All of that takes up lots of space spread across three-ish toons. Did I mention that we're "broke" too? Stupid bag costs.
Still debating dropping herbalism on Loke to pick up Inscription. Still think that'll be a decent source of gold. Plus I really don't want to buy all of the cards for either the greatness deck or the prisims deck for Eto. Haven't decided what would be a good extra trinket. Or should I just run normal ToC over and over again for Tears of the Vanquished.
Oh well, plenty of things to do. Remember the projects post? Yeah... I best get on that.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
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