Holy crap, Eto is 79 and I'm no where near ready for 80.
I don't have my bags full of boe epics, I have two. Earned my healing trinket from a brewfest run, and was given the titansteel healing mace from a guildie.
Where's the horded gold, mats, rep, any of that. All on the wayside, just like a fresh new 80 would be. That's a scary thought. I've been playing for so long on a server where I'm established, have all of the professions with plenty of farming toons. My farming toon on Bronzebeard is my 74 hunter...
No epic flying for Eto, Kuta still doesn't have flying. And when I buy the book for him on Eto, that'll wipe out my savings.
Scary future.
Ran normal HoL and UP last night. Kaly did an awesome job tanking. I didn't do so well healing UP though. First time I've had a wipe since I started healing with Eto again. That shook me up a lot. Granted it was against Ymiron and we totally forgot about Bane. Hate hate hate bane with 3 melee toons.
Did hit 440 LW with Loke yesterday, after dropping ~700g on the last 30 skill points or so. Hate this server. Course, once I farm/buy the mats for the epic crafted chest and boots for Eto, I can turn around and sell my leather to start making some gold back.
Still really interested in doing Insription on Loke as well. Just need to stop farming leather on Kuta first.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
Inscription has the potential to make some gold. We've seen that. But it is anothe profession for you to have to level. Not so bad if you want to farm all the lowbie mats to get it up, otherwise it's another gold dump. I found that on my priest it was a pretty useless profession...unless you were trying to make gold.
Sadly, epic flying doesn't seem to be in the near future for either of us.
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