Lok'tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.
I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief's desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief's command.
From this moment until the end of days I live and die - FOR THE HORDE!
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
Umm...baby? Should I be worried? *hides*
No, you shouldn't be worried. :D
Just wanting to put stuff from the more memorable quests that we've done.
And saving the Taunka village, protecting them in their migration to Dragonblight, inducting them into the Horde. All very very cool.
I'll post the journal of the Scarlet Onslaught leader once I dig up those screenshots. :p
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