Haven't really had time to play much WoW lately, an odd couple of hours every day or so.
Grats to Kalyara for getting her epic flying and epic flying mount. I'm a little jealous of her. :D Since I still don't have mine and I still need to pay for dual spec. Bleargh. Poor poor money bags.
Did have the chance to run normal ToC a few times, attended a two-shot guild Ony10 raid, a three-shot guild Uld10 Flame Leviathan run last night, and a few heroics throughout the week. There's talk of us finally starting to do Naxx10 for emblems and some odd loot drops here and there. That got me excited. Kalyara and I need emblems and any drops would be awesome.
Did manage to pick up some nifty items from those instances/raids. So Eto is getting some better gear. He's not where I want him to be yet, though he probably never will be that well geared. :p But progress is progress.
Recent Upgrades:
Deadly Gladiator's Totem of the Third Wind which I did a couple AVs and one WG for. Think I need to buy the emblem chain healing totem as well, and swap them out for raiding/heroics. Since I'm specced and gearing towards MT heals, heroic healing is more challenging from all of the party dmg that I actually have to care about. :p
Tears if the Vanquished from normal ToC. Int!! I love me some int, well, lots of int. The bigger my mana pool the happier I am.
Leggings of the Bloodless Knight from normal ToC. Finally got the sapphire spellthread made and attached last night. Just need to get them gemmed now. Crit, haste, and a bunch of spellpower. Nice.
Sash of Blood Removal from H-Gundrak last night. Yeah, I know it's leather, but it's a nice little belt that replaced the blue mail belt from said instance that I won a night or two prior. :D Need to get a belt buckle made and a gem cut for it though. I need gems!! :p
Overlook Handguards ...H-Drak'Tharon Keep drop. Really don't like them because of the spirit, but the other stats were far superior to my old gloves that I'm using them anyway. I bet I get a few looks from people, since spirit is useless for a resto shaman. Just need something like 23 more Emblems of Triumph to be able to pick up my T9 gloves, which I intend to do as quickly as possible.
Frozen Tear of Elune was an emblem purchase from last night. Nice upgrade over my blue zul'drak quest neck. :D I'll be using it for a while. Unless I somehow luck out and manage to get into a pug Naxx25, win the key for EoE25 and beat that too... yeah... :p Nice neck. :D
Energy Siphon from last night's Flame Leviathan run. Which is really really nice. Macro that to pop for just before I cast Earth Shield. Nice. Just really don't want to give up either of my current trinkets for it. I'm not really running out of mana that often. I don't have a stockpile of gear to swap mp5 for crit + sp gear to make my overall stats consistent. So I think it'll have to stay in the bank for a bit. Which really makes me sad. I just can't afford to give up the SP, Haste, or potion boost on my Mecurial Alchemist Stone quite yet. But I'm willing to try. :D
and finally...
Gaze of Ten Storms which I scored from Ony10. Also picked up Coif of Ten Storms, since I was the only shaman in the raid. :D Shame I had already dropped a bunch of gold and lucky drops for my enhancement set. :( So the 2nd helm will sit in the bank gathering dust for a while.
My current ideal set is built around the two piece set bonus of both T8 and T9. I can use emblems of conquest for the T8 bonus (though I'd lose my Ony helm) and emblems of triumph for my T9 bonus.
I just think those two stacked together would improve one of my 3 main healing spells: Riptide.
T8(2) bonus reduces the cooldown on Riptide by 1 second. So tossing that around every five seconds would help my heroic healing or spot raid healing, etc. I try to keep it up on as many people as possible since I love the stacked boost with Chain Heal.
T8(2) bonus increases the healing done by my Riptide by 20%. I could be all geeky and show you exactly what that would do for my healing, but I don't know the math and I'm too lazy to look the numbers up. Suffice to say, I believe it would tie in nicely to my preferred healing style.
>.> I also want to get the 2 piece healing/dps trinket set from Ony10: Purified Shard of the Flame and Purified Shard of the Scale. But I'm not trying to be greedy here. :D
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
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