Project One:
Level the shaman to 80 and get gear.
Partly done. He's 80 now and has a few lowbie 80 epics.
Project Two:
Level professions across multiple toons.
Eto - 450 Mining /435 Alchemy
Kuta - 450 Herbalism / 450 Skinning
Loke - 443 Leatherworking / 397 Herbalism; Still thinking of dropping Herbalism for Inscription.
Project Three:
Earn/make gold, lots of gold.
...did I already complain about dropping 400g for Eto's 80 skills? Or dropping 1000g for Kuta's cold-weather flying?
Project Four:
Spend said gold on epic flying and cold-weather flying for multiple toons.
Eto - epic flying
Kuta - epic flying
Loke - cold-weather flying, epic flying
Eye - flying, cold-weather flying, epic flying
This is just a depressing list. I really should just lock it up and burn the chest or something. *sighs*
Project Five:
Figure out what rep grinds the toons need, focusing on Eto first.
Ummm..... I've been busy leveling. Though I think I'm going to hit revered with Kirin Tor first, mp5 head glyph is tasty. Then, do revered with Wyrmrest for the crit head glyph. Finally, exalted with Argent Crusade. Really not worried much about the gear that I can get at exalted with people since the new emblem stuff is a lot better. Just trying to get the glyphs or shoulder enchants, etc.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
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